Here’s how you can write a perfect resume in 3 easy steps

If you’ve not updated your CV in a long time, it can be difficult to know where to start. What kinds of activities and accomplishments do you have on your resume that relate to the job you’re applying for? What are the most recent Professional Resume Services guidelines and trends to follow? And, truly, a page or two?

  • Ditch the objective statement

If you’re considering a major career shift and need to explain why your experience doesn’t instantly fit the position you’re applying for, an objective section makes sense. What are your plans for the remainder of your life? Consider whether or not a summary statement is appropriate for you, or leave it blank to conserve space and concentrate on the remainder of your resume.

  • Keep it in reverse chronological format

There are a few various methods to structure the information on your resume, such as utilising a functional resume or a hybrid resume, but a reverse chronological resume is the ideal option (with the most recent experience listed first). If a skills-based CV isn’t absolutely necessary in your situation, ignore it—hiring managers may question what you’re hiding.

  • Stick to a single a page

The two- (or more!) page resume is debatable, but the main line is that you want the information on this page to be as concise as possible, and keeping it to one page is a reasonable method to accomplish so. Go for it if you have enough relevant and beneficial experience, training, and certifications to fill more than one page of your CV. What if you could communicate the same message in half the time? Please comply with this request. If you’re having problems, look into content-cutting tactics or chat to a Resume Creator professional about how to organise your resume to fit more information into less space.

Why should you avoid using a “functional resume”?

One of the most often asked questions at ResumeWW is, “Does format really matter?” It is well known that recruiters do not waste a lot of time screening resumes. But it’s critical to hold their focus, and it all starts with the proper format. Our Professional Resume Services don’t want you to miss out on your dream job because of resume formatting, but here’s one format you should never use.

It’s called the functional resume

This format is intended to showcase the accomplishments under a skill set rather than in chronological order of date and location of employment. Recruiters and managers who see functional resumes become disengaged or, worst, disregard the resume entirely. Simply put, a functional resume can never be used for any purpose, and here’s why.

6 Seconds of Comprehension

You may only get six seconds of a recruiter’s time when they pull up your resume. There is a very short time to determine whether a candidate can advance or be removed from consideration for a potential position. A functional resume makes it difficult for recruiters to consider the career history timeline – or the details. Functional resumes necessitate research, and recruiters do not have the resources to link your qualifications to your work background. Maintain a consistent format in which your abilities and accomplishments are listed alongside your company and tenure.

Hiding Information

Hiring managers and recruiters are sceptical of resumes written in a functional format. They have a valid reason; the vast majority of job seekers who use this resume style are attempting to conceal something. And recruiters are well aware of this. When attempting to avoid displaying a career gap or a series of short-held positions, the candidate often has the best motives. A practical resume, on the other hand, just emphasizes certain details. Reverse chronological order is perfect at emphasizing how far you’ve come after setbacks.


Your skill set may seem to be lost among your job history, but it is not. It speaks to the employer as you give insight by demonstrating where, when, and how you accomplished a target or perfected a skill. Simply placed, functional resumes are bad storytellers. They have no explanation for a feats or skill. Remember that how you did it is just as important as what you did. That is why it is not a good idea to distinguish your accomplishments from your place of employment.

Need more insights on the same? Get in touch with a resume maker now!